Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Is Climate Change The Biggest Threat To The World? Yes, But The Solution May Surprise You!

I believe that climate change, more specifically global warming, is part of a series of judgments that will pose the greatest threat to mankind.

The Bible describes a coming series of catastrophic judgments known as the Great Tribulation in which nearly two thirds of the world population will be killed. 

The whole train of destruction begins when a meteor strikes the Earth and kills millions of people and animals. But another peculiar judgement is described in Revelation 16:9, "And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues; and they did not repent to give Him glory".

The origin or cause of this heat blast is not man and his heavy carbon footprint. It is not the flatulence of millions of livestock animals. No, the cause or source is the Almighty God who sits in Heaven and commands an angel to empty the fourth vial judgment of the Tribulation upon the Sun. 

Because I believe we are living very close to the time when God will finally have had His fill of man's sin and directs His wrath toward Earth, I am not at all in doubt that this judgment may already be in play. We are seeing unusual occurrences on the surface of the Sun that are directly affecting our planet. Unusual weather patterns, record heat and cold spells are obvious and hard to deny. 
I think that scientists and world rulers are trying their best to prevent this judgement from taking place. The two methods that man is deploying to stop this vial or bowl judgement are 1 . Reducing carbon emissions and attempting to remove carbon from our atmosphere. 2. Using solar shielding to reflect the Suns rays back into space.

The first method is extremely expensive and frankly, hard to do. The second method is much cheaper and offers quicker relief from the heat but is regarded by most in the scientific community as a temporary "band aid" to the problem. Source

The technique that the "elite" have been using for several years goes by different names, chem trails, stratospheric injections and geo-engineering. It amazes me how few people are even aware that something very bizarre and sinister is going on in our skies. I am absolutely dumbfounded by how few people ever take the time to gaze into the sky and see the evidence clearly displayed.

The article I sourced says that the point of these Sun barriers is to deflect heat back into space. They are dumping millions of tons of metals (aluminum, barium and sulfur) into our atmosphere. Most people don't know the difference between a contrail and a chem trail. A contrail is the condensation from passenger planes that quickly dissipates and then disappears. A chem trail is the result of stratospheric injection and does not disappear but spreads out and dims the entire sky.

In 2019 only 19% of Americans believed in the existence of chem trails, yet, our government has told us repeatedly that it is going on. 

I not only believe that scientists are trying to reflect Sun rays but I believe that many of them are aware of God's coming judgments and are trying to thwart the plans of God. This much I know for sure, they will fail. 

Notice the precise wording of Revelation 16:9, it says that God has power, or control, over this plague. It also says that even when the heat is at it's highest point they will not repent and give God glory. We are living in a post-Christian era and fewer and fewer people believe in God or His Holy Word so it's no wonder when the judgment arrives they don't repent.

In the midst of this judgment God still shows mercy. We are told in Matthew 24:22 , "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved...". The good news is that God does shorten the length of those day so that all of mankind does not perish. 

The real solution to global warming will be when men start calling out to God in repentance and faith and God responding by commanding the Sun's heat to abate. Ultimately, the real solution to climate change will come after these judgments when God creates a New Heaven and a New Earth.  Man's futile attempts to shield the Sun will never be enough.

The best advise I can give you now is to believe on Jesus Christ for eternal life so that you might escape the wrath to come and stand before God in His Heaven.

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