Monday, May 22, 2023

Does Judaism Believe In A Messiah? Not So Much In 2023!

One of the most important themes running throughout the Hebrew Bible is that the God of Israel promises to send the Messiah to earth one day to redeem the Jewish people and rule Israel and the entire world. Obviously, the world’s 2.6 billion Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah and that He is coming back to earth in the “last days” of history.  Also obvious is that the vast majority of Jews worldwide – and here in Israel – do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Yet here is a fact that is not obvious at all. Nearly half of all Israeli Jews have given up believing that the Messiah is real and coming any time in the future. When asked by researchers, “Do you believe the Messiah is coming?,” a shocking new survey finds that a mere 54.9% of Israeli Jews say “yes.” Fully 45.1% say “no.” No one said, “I don’t know.”

The survey of 1,200 Israeli Jews was designed by two Jewish professors in the United States. For the record, neither believe that Jesus is the Messiah. The survey was conducted last month in Hebrew by one of the top research and polling firms in Israel. It was partially funded by ALL ISRAEL NEWS and the results are being published here for the first time. More results will be published over the next few days and will also be released at the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Orlando, Florida, this week. WHY HAVE SO MANY ISRAELIS ABANDONED BELIEF IN THE MESSIAH? Why have upwards of three million Israeli Jews given up believing that the Messiah is ever coming to earth? It’s an important question and one that will require serious analysis. Unfortunately, the survey didn’t ask. I look forward to interviewing a range of Israeli scholars, religious leaders, and others in search of the answer and reporting my findings here on ALL ISRAEL NEWS and on my weekly, prime time TV show, THE ROSENBERG REPORT, that airs on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). That said, I suspect that the simplest answer is likely the most accurate. Large numbers of Israelis have stopped reading the Jewish scriptures. They might have grown up hearing the Bible read in the synagogue. But they are not reading the Torah or the prophets for themselves. So, they’re not focusing on the specific prophecies that describe who the coming Messiah will be, much less taking those prophecies to heart. What’s more, given that religious Jews believe that God still hasn’t sent the Messiah for more than 3,000 years since the first prophecies were given in the Bible, is it likely that traditional, secular, and non-religious Jews would hold to a belief that the Messiah will still come one day?

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Comment:  Not only do many Jews not believe in a literal Messiah or a literal return of the Messiah but they outright reject the notion that Jesus is the Messiah. This has not caught God off-guard or by surprise. In Luke 18:8 Jesus said this about His return, "Nevertheless, when the Son of Man cometh, will He find faith on the earth?". Jesus indicated that instead of a revival in the church and among the Jews there will be steep declines in faith.

Does Societal Anxiety Cause Anger?

You Are Not Alone, Anger Is Building Across The World!

By Bruce Wilds, Advancing Time Blog

 You are not alone if you are tired of watching your government grow increasingly oppressive and corrupt. Many people across the world share your pain. People continue to voice their anger and discontent, however, this is something the media often chooses not to report for it is owned by those same forces which are attempting to enslave us. Those on the left referred to the right as fascist or Nazi while those on the right refer to the left as communist. 

This tends to overlook the fact that both groups are rooted in wanting to expand control. The truth is that the angst and growing anger many people feel is kept under control by a mass media with a very strong agenda. Mass media has perfected the art of dividing us and at the same time keeping us in the dark. The greatest risk we face may be that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is coming at us fast and furious. Once it is here getting information will become almost impossible.  

Read the full article from its source...Advancing Time Blog

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Trumps Latest Poll Numbers Cause Concern For DNC: Harvard - Harris Results

BREAKING: New Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Trump Crushing Biden

By Chris of

The latest Harvard-Harris poll has unveiled a significant surge of support for former President Donald Trump, indicating a potential victory in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. The poll results paint a picture of a strong and resilient Trump, despite legal distractions, with an impressive lead over his Democratic rivals. According to the poll, Trump’s popularity has soared, with an astonishing 47% of respondents expressing their unwavering support for the Republican leader over President Joe Biden. This marks a remarkable increase of 7% compared to previous surveys. In stark contrast, Biden finds himself trailing behind, with a mere 40% of respondents backing his presidency.

But the good news for Trump doesn’t end there. 

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EXCLUSIVE: Dutch farmer ‘families are crying at the kitchen table every day’ and some have committed suicide, warns Dutch MEP Robert Roos about government farm expropriation plans

By John Cody, Remix News

Currently, the Dutch government is looking to offer buyouts for 3,000 farms in the Netherlands, and if they do not accept, their land will be confiscated  The government is offering them 120 percent of the value of their land. A) Do you think that’s a fair offer, and B) Do you think they’re going to fight it?

It’s not fair at all because they have smashed these farmers for years now, and the people are so desperate that many families are crying at the kitchen table every day, and even a couple of farmers committed suicide already. Really, it’s that bad. Our government and also the banks supported a plan to create bigger farms, so the farmers bought the land of their neighbors, and they created huge farms because that was the policy promoted by the government and also by the banks. They wanted the farms to scale up their businesses. And now, suddenly the policy is to make smaller farms. This is also the EU policy. Then, you add nitrogen regulations. These farmers now have these huge farms, which means big debts, huge debts, because they had to invest. And now, the government comes up with the idea that they have this nitrogen problem, and farms need to close or be reduced in size.

10,000 Dutch farmers protest government’s crippling nitrogen emissions target in The Hague

Protesters claim the Dutch government is lying about the extent of the emissions problem in order to grab privately owned land

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Saturday, May 20, 2023

HEADLINE NEWSWhile Liberals Rage About ‘Gun Control’ The Fentanyl Drug Crisis In San Francisco Is Killing Thousands And Turning The Famed City Into A Dystopian Ruin


A new ad campaign, dubbed ‘That’s Fentalife!’ aims to catch the attention of residents and elected officials by placing colorful advertisements in different parts of San Francisco where drug use is exceedingly and heartbreakingly high. Crooner Tony Bennett had massive success with his trademark song ‘I Left My Heart In San Francisco’, harking to a day where the fame ‘city by the bay’ was one of the crown jewels in the promised land of California. That was then, this is now, and what has become of San Francisco? Thanks to drugs like fentanyl, it has become a dystopian ruin populated by drug addled zombies whose flesh is literally rotting off their bones and falling into the streets. 

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Friday, May 19, 2023

WHO Now Trying To Sexualize Children At Birth While UN Pushes To Legalize Pedophilia

Now that the powers that be have successfully normalized homosexuality and transgenderism, the next plank in their maniacal social deconstruction agenda is to normalize pedophilia. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) are leading the charge on this front, with the former calling for sex education to start at birth. The globalist body wants babies to be stripped of their innocence and indoctrinated into every form of perversion possible at the youngest possible age. Once these babies are fully sexualized, the UN aims to decriminalize adult sex with minors, which will become the next color on the LGBTQ “rainbow,” turning it into LGBTQP. A 68-page report from the WHO called “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” says toddlers need to be taught about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body,” also known as “early childhood masturbation.” Children between the ages of four and six, the WHO insists, must be forced to “talk about sexual matters” in order to “consolidate their gender identity.” “From birth, babies learn the value and pleasure of bodily contact, warmth and intimacy,” the report further states. “Soon after that, they learn what is ‘clean’ and what is ‘dirty.'” According to the WHO, its proposal to sexualize children at the youngest possible age stems from “established psychological facts based on decades of research” – in other words, “science.”

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Report: Biden Pushing For Israel - Saudi Deal By End Of The Year

The White House wants to make a diplomatic push for a Saudi-Israeli peace deal in the next six to seven months before the presidential election campaign consumes President Joe Biden’s agenda, two US officials with knowledge of the issue told Axios’ Barak Ravid on Wednesday.

Any normalization agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel brokered by the US will likely include an upgrade in US-Saudi relations and a package of tangible deliverables from the US government.

Such a deal could be unpopular among Democrats due to the tensions with the Saudis over the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, but a deal could be a historic breakthrough in Middle East peace, leading to a domino effect of more Arab and Muslim-majority countries normalizing relations with Israel.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, who is known as MBS, last week in Jeddah and, among other issues, discussed the possibility of Saudi-Israeli normalization, the US officials said.

After the meeting, White House Middle East czar Brett McGurk and Biden’s senior adviser Amos Hochstein traveled to Jerusalem and briefed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to the two US officials, Sullivan told MBS the U.S. thinks there is an opportunity to get a Saudi-Israeli deal by the end of the year.

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Friday, March 24, 2023

Can LGBTQ People Go To Heaven And Have Eternal Life? Is It Possible For Them To Be Saved?

 In this video Dr. Bob Wilkin of the Grace Evangelical Society, lays out what the Bible says about LGBTQ people and their place in God's plan.