Tuesday, May 30, 2023

After-School 'Satan Club' Takes New Aim At Archenemy: Christian Clubs For Kids

Federal Judge Rules That Pennsylvania School District Must Host After School Satan Club

Ara Macdonald, www.thegatewaypundit.com

The Satanic Temple’s children’s club is being pushed in school districts that host Christian clubs — with the full backing of the far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) who filed the suit on the organization’s behalf.

The Satanists argue that if the school allows one religion to host events, they must allow all.

“In a victory for free speech and religious freedom, a federal court has ruled that the Saucon Valley School District must allow the After School Satan Club to meet in district facilities,” the ACLU announced in a tweet on Monday.

Read the full article at its source...www.thegatewaypundit.com

Monday, May 29, 2023

Should Kindergarten Have A Drag Queen Story Time? Montana And Florida Say 'No'!!

Montana becomes first state to ban drag reading sessions for children in public schools and libraries after Governor said it is 'wildly inappropriate for little kids to be exposed to sexualized content'

Montana has become the first state to specifically ban people dressed in drag from reading books to children at public schools and libraries. Republican governor Greg Gianforte signed the bill on Monday because he 'believes it's wildly inappropriate for little kids, especially preschoolers and kids in elementary school, to be exposed to sexualized content,' spokesperson Kaitlin Price said. But the law is unique among efforts by states to block drag performances as it does not require a sexual element to a performance for it to be banned.  Bills in Florida and Tennessee also appear to try to ban drag reading events, but both require the performances to be sexual in nature, which could be up for interpretation. Both bills also face legal challenges. House Bill 359 was co-sponsored by more than half of the Republican-controlled legislature and took effect immediately after it was signed. 

The bill initially sought to ban minors from attending drag performances, which were defined as shows that tended to 'excite lustful thoughts.'  The legislation was later amended to ban minors from attending sexually oriented or obscene performances on public property. The bill's sponsor, Republican Rep. Braxton Mitchell, said he sponsored the bill 'because drag shows in recent years have been specifically aimed at children,' and spoke of online videos that show children at drag shows. 'In my humble opinion, there's no such thing as a family-friendly drag show,' Mitchell said in April. He suggested that drag story hours and other family-oriented drag performances were part of a 'sick agenda' damaging to a child's 'psychology and general welfare'.  

Read the full article from the source: www.dailymail.co.uk

Sunday, May 28, 2023

How Much Money Do US Retailers Lose Each Year Due To Theft? Discount Retailers Hit The Worst


In 2021 retailers in the U.S. lost almost 95 billion dollars to theft. The new politically correct term for shoplifting is "shrink". The damage done by "shrink" is just as severe as the old fashioned terms!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

How Many Billions Are In A Trillion Dollars? This Isn't Sustainable

We here the term "trillion" so often that we have become desensitized to it's actual meaning. This video gives some perspective on just how large a number it is.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Is Turkey Turning Against Christianity? Erdogan's Daughter Rants

Erdoğan's Daughter Takes Aim at Christianity: 'The Crescent Will Win over Cross of the West'

By Amy Mek, rairfoundation.com

Esra Erdoğan, the daughter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has emerged as a vocal advocate for Islamic dominance and a staunch critic of the West and Christianity. Following in her father’s footsteps, Esra has taken to social media to express her disdain for Western values and her belief in the ultimate victory of the Islamic crescent over the cross of the West.

Read the full article from its source...www.rairfoundation.com

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Did The Covid-19 Pandemic Affect Mental Health? New Gallup Poll

The current economic and political climate is enough to make anyone feel down, but for many Americans, the problem is far more serious as a new poll shows an increasing number of Americans are being officially diagnosed with clinical depression. A newly released Gallup poll found that the percentage of American adults who report they have received a diagnosis of depression at some time in their life has hit 29 percent. This is a full 10 percentage points greater than 2015’s figure. Meanwhile, the percentage of Americans who report either being treated for depression in the past or currently receiving treatment has risen to 17.8 percent, marking a rise of seven points in the same time period. The poll involved more than 5,000 American adults and was conducted during the last week of February. It is part of the ongoing Gallup National Health and Wellbeing Index. Gallup reports that these are the biggest rates on record since they started this particular measure of depression among Americans. Women, young people and minorities are more likely to report depression Certain groups are experiencing depression at higher rates. For example, women are far more likely to be diagnosed with depression than men, with 36.7 percent of women reporting receiving a depression diagnosis at some time in their life versus just 20.4 percent of men. The rate of depression among women has climbed at nearly double the rate seen in men. This may be due, at least in part, to the fact that women tend to be more proactive in seeking treatment for mental health issues than men. Women have historically reported significantly greater rates of depression than men, but the gap has grown bigger since the pandemic. 

Read the full article from its source...www.naturalnews.com

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

How Does Eating Less Meat Effect Climate Change? NYC To Begin Tracking

New York to Track Residents’ Food Purchases and Place ‘Caps on Meat’ Served by Public Institutions

New York City will begin tracking the carbon footprint of household food consumption and putting caps on how much red meat can be served in public institutions as part of a sweeping initiative to achieve a 33% reduction in carbon emissions from food by 2030.

Read the full article from it's source...www.childrenshealthdefense.org

Note:  In First Timothy the fourth chapter, verses one through three we read...Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Will This Become The Mark Of The Beast IDs?

Forerunner To The Mark?: EU Set To Roll Out ‘Digital Identity Wallet’ In 2024

By Harbingersdaily.com

The European Union says its “digital identity wallet” will go into use next year. It’s no accident that this forerunner to the mark of the beast will begin in Europe, the Antichrist’s home turf. In an article sponsored by the global digital security firm Entrust, Wired Magazine called the digital identity wallet, “The most ambitious rollout yet of a comprehensive digital ID system, combining security, compliance, and privacy safeguards for the EU’s 447 million citizens.”

Romana Jerković represents Croatia in the EU Parliament. A member of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, she said, “With the European Digital Identity Framework, we want the EU to become the first global region with a governance framework for trusted digital identities. The Digital Wallet will become a reliable, all-in-one identity gateway that puts citizens in full control of their own data and gives them the freedom to decide exactly what information to share, with whom, and when.”

Putting the citizen in charge of his or her own data sounds great. But this initiative is not about privacy. It’s about government control

Read the full article from the source www.harbingersdaily.com